Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Figuratively Speaking

In the New York Times article, " Go East, Young Man," the author Jonathan Levine uses some figurative language to strengthen his appeal to the audience. There were no obvious ones like Onomatopoeia, or any "SETH sells seashells by the seashore, but there were a few such as Rhetorical Questions and Personification. Here are the examples:
-Rhetorical Question: He asked the audience in a casual tone: "Guess what? I'm not so special." This rhetorical question does not ask for a direct answer, but it helps the readers catch on to his casual tone, which he aims to use to support his opinion.
-Personification: He writes at the end of his article: "a soul-crushing cubicle," to put an image into his reader's head, and to further appeal to their feelings of stress or frustration.

1 comment:

  1. I like the personification for the cubicle! I use to work for Honda and they had a lot of cubicles in the head honcho section, and they really can be quite soul-crushing.
