This year was my first birthday ever away from home, and without my family. Luckily, I have a BYU family here in Provo to celebrate with, consisting of my lovely friends, and of course, my awesome sis and bro-in-law. Ah! I just love all of them to death! My birthday happened to land on a Tuesday this year, so the partying began the weekend before, and it didn't end until the weekend after. Yay, lucky me, and talkin' about an extended birthday, haha! Starting Saturday midday, Hayley brought Carlos, Seth and I up to Park C
ity to walk around and enjoy the beautiful scenery and chic Main St. up there. We got to devour the most amazing pizza while we were at it, and also savored some caramel apples from Rocky Mountain Chocolate. Yummm! Then that evening, the rest of the groupie all went out to Cafe Rio for more food, and then laughed, and got all teary-eyed from watching We Bought A Zoo at the Dollar Theater. It was indeed a fun filled, relaxing, emotional, and lovely evening.
Monday evening-- Birthday Eve-- my friends and I all went out to Denny's so I could get my Free Birthday Grand Slam! It was pretty darn slammin' and I guess this is totally a Freshman Birthday tradition thing for my group, but it was fun. We always have fun at Denny's, it's ridiculous what we can get ourselves into there. Haha!
My Slammin' FREE Grand Slam!

Tuesday--the day of my birthday-- which coincidentally, is also the longest and most excruciating day of classes for me in a week, ended up being a not so bad day. I was out all day in class so I didn't get to celebrate until the end of the day, which was perfectly fine. The day ended with a nice exchange of gifts (as my boyfriend and I share the same birthday) and OPENING of gifts, yipeee! I got a nice little surprise in the mail the day before from my bestie, Rachel in Canada and that I got to open up as well. It was all very exciting and special.
Package from da friend in far away land, Canada.

My sweet HomeTeachers got me a nice balloon and some Twix. :)

My gatherings of the day: Consisting of A LOT of candy and food....hmm...people know me too well.
Little did I know that my birthday celebration had not ended, yet. That weekend, my sister invited me over for Sunday dinner. The weather was gorgeous, so we went out to a park and grilled some chicken, which we ate with corn, rice and poke, yummm! I had mentioned earlier that week about how this has been the first year that I did not have a birthday cake, lovely sister, so graciously surprised me, and made me a home-made Red Velvet and Angel marbled, strawberry and cream cake. It was sooooo good, and gorgeously decorated! I love having awesome older siblings who really do make you feel like a million bucks at times. So, although I was away from home, my 19th Birthday has definitely been one to remember. It really made me feel so loved and special to know that I have so many people out here watching out for me. Thanks to all my friends and me awesome family, I love you all so very, very much! Cheers! :)